Fastmail - Some users experienced interrupted access to Fastmail services due to connectivity issues with an IMAP server – Incident details

All systems operational

Some users experienced interrupted access to Fastmail services due to connectivity issues with an IMAP server

Partial outage
Started 16 days agoLasted 29 minutes


Web client and mobile app

Partial outage from 7:20 PM to 7:48 PM

Mail access (IMAP/POP)

Partial outage from 7:20 PM to 7:48 PM

  • Resolved

    Some users may have temporarily lost access to Fastmail services due to some IMAP servers losing connectivity. We have identified the cause and implemented a fix. No mail has been lost.

  • Identified

    We have identified the cause of this issue and are working on a fix.

  • Investigating

    Some users may have temporarily lost access to Fastmail services. We are actively looking into this.